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Here we’ll keep our finger on the pulse of what’s trending in our culture covering a broad range of topics related to the BLOOM Hub to help keep you in the know and better support you in your journey of health! We’ll feature new content here regularly so check back soon!

12 Tips for Acne Prevention

Tips for Face & Body Acne Prevention

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Caring for your skin doesn’t have to take up lots of time but does require consistency and daily effort. It’s never too early to start forming good skin hygiene habits and the things you do for your skin now will continue to keep you looking your best for many years to come. We have plenty of tips that won’t take too much time. Here is a list of our dermatologist’s top 12 tips for a great preteen and teen skin care regimen.

Tip #1 – Wash your face!

Never go to bed without cleansing your face, whether or not you wear makeup. Be sure to cleanse the skin morning and night or after working out/playing sports to remove excess oils and bacteria. If you do wear makeup or you are experiencing oily skin, you may want to double cleanse by first, wiping off impurities using micellar water/toner and then utilizing a gentle foaming or hydrating cleanser with warm water to wash the entire face.

Another important factor when treating whiteheads and blackheads is proper exfoliation. You may think that using a scrub with microbeads is helpful, but if this is done too harshly or frequently, it can actually damage the natural skin barrier and worsen acne. Instead of using a physical scrub, go for a chemical exfoliant serum or a wash containing ingredients like alpha-hydroxy acids or beta-hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid or lactic acid. Use this 1-3 times a week after cleansing. This will ensure the dead surface skin and excess oils are coming off and not building up in the pores. Exfoliation helps to remove buildup. Don’t forget to apply a light layer of an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer after exfoliating.

Pro-tip: Having trouble remembering to wash your face twice a day? Try putting your face wash on top of your toothbrush holder. You almost certainly remember to brush your teeth twice a day, so use that to your advantage!

Tip #2 – Avoid touching your face

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Avoid touching your face or any other area of your body that is prone to acne.

If you have acne-prone skin, touching your skin can lead to breakouts as it can spread bacteria. Make sure to wash anything that touches the face. This means that hats, masks, glasses, cell phone surfaces, hands, backpacks, and pillowcases require regular washing to prevent the acne-causing build up of oils or bacteria.

Tip #3 – Keep sweat on the court or in the gym

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Engaging in physical activities like sports and exercise are important parts of staying fit and enjoying life, but without taking a few precautions, your skin can act up.

  • Always rinse off after getting super sweaty and change sweaty clothes after working out. Sweat that stays on the skin can be a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria or other irritation.
  • If you wear any hats, helmets, or gear for your activities, make sure to wash these regularly, or else they can also harbor bacteria and wreak havoc on your skin.
  • After removing a sweaty hat, rinse your skin or use a moistened facial towel, micellar water, or witch hazel towelette to quickly cleanse on the go.

Tip #4 – Moisturize your skin

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Yes, even oily skin can benefit from enrichment with moisturizer. Look for non-comedogenic and oil-free lotions and moisturizers to help protect the barrier function of your skin and give relief from inflammation.


Tip #5 – Do not pop your pimples/zits or pick at your skin!

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

It can be very tempting to pick at a new bump on the skin or try to pop and squeeze pimples/zits, but picking and prodding the skin can be traumatizing and even scarring. Popping your pimples can lead to more bacteria, inflammation, and sometimes staining/scarring of the skin. If you have a pimple that is white or yellow at the head and desperately want to pop it, use a warm compress (or after a warm shower) to help open the pores then gently press and roll the area using 2 Q-tips or the sides of your two clean index fingers. Do not poke the skin with your fingertips or nails! If the pimple is not easily expressible using the broadsides of the fingers then it will traumatize the skin if you try to force it. Ideally, it is best to avoid touching blemishes altogether. Next time you are tempted to pick, try using a pimple patch containing hydrocolloid, combined with a topical spot treatment such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, to spot treat your zit.

Tip #6 – Be consistent with acne treatments

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Almost all adolescents experience acne at some point. If you begin to notice clogged pores, blackheads, whiteheads, or deeper zits, the best thing you can do is begin a skin care regimen as soon as possible and stay consistent. If you are using a gentle cleanser twice a day and begin to notice clogged pores, you can start using adapalene gel, which is an over-the-counter acne-fighting retinoid product. Avoid skin dryness by starting slow and using the product every few nights, slowly working up to nightly use. Just a pea-sized amount will be perfect for your entire face, right before bedtime.  Salicylic acid washes can be helpful for stubborn acne on the body. Spot treatments and acne patches can be used for larger, more inflammatory pimples.

The BLOOM Store is a good place to find some of the best acne spot treatments, washes, and moisturizers for your skin. Don’t forget — acne treatments can take time to take effect so give each treatment a trial of at least two months to determine if it will work for you. Don’t get discouraged if your skin doesn’t change overnight — with consistency and effort, you will get there!

Tip #7 – Be aware of other notorious pore-cloggers

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Make sure to wash anything that touches the face. This means that hats, masks, glasses, cell phone surfaces, hands, backpacks, and pillowcases require regular washing to prevent the acne-causing build up of oils or bacteria. Pay attention to whether your acne is worse on one side or area of your face and think about what may be causing it. Are your backpack straps irritating your back acne? Do you typically hold your phone on that side of your face? Or do you rest your chin on your hand during class? Hair products (especially conditioner) can also be secret-pore cloggers. If you are noticing frequent breakouts on the forehead or hairline, look for products that do not contain sulfates or are specially formulated to prevent skin irritation. In the shower, you can wash your face after rinsing out the conditioner to make sure that hair product residue is not left on your skin.


Tip #8 – Practice good skin care & makeup hygiene

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Most skin care products like cleansers and lotions have a shelf life of about two years. Make sure to wash all makeup brushes regularly and dispose of makeup products that are past their prime. That foundation from a few years ago stuffed in the back of your bathroom drawer could wreak serious havoc on your skin and even cause skin infections. In general, foundation, concealer, highlighters, pencil eyeliner, and primers should be replaced after one year. Liquid eyeliner and mascara are best replaced every three months. As fun as it is to have a makeover party with friends, make sure to sterilize beauty products before sharing them to avoid sharing bacteria too.

Tip #9 – Be gentle with your skin

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Don’t make the mistake of using harsh scrubs, toners, or exfoliators on your skin. Even with oily skin, a gentle cleanser is all that is needed to wash the surface. Harsh treatments can make acne even worse by increasing inflammation and breaking down the skin’s natural barriers and defenses. Along the same idea, don’t damage your skin with excessive sun exposure, indoor tanning, or sunburns.

Tip #10 – Don’t forget the sunscreen!

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Using sunscreen or sun-protective clothing daily is probably the most important healthy habit you can start to take care of your skin. When choosing a sunscreen, look for one that offers broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection and is mineral-based (meaning it is made with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the active ingredient). Use at least SPF 30 and remember that you should fill your whole palm for a full-body application. Reapply every two hours when outdoors or even more frequently when you are sweating a lot or doing water activities.

If you have trouble finding sunscreens that work with your skin type or your activities make it difficult to reapply, sun-protective clothing should be your go-to! Choose a hat with a wide brim of at least 3 inches and a built-in UPF of 50 or higher. Sun guard long sleeve sun protection shirts and swimwear can keep you cool and protected. The things you do to protect your skin from the sun will protect you from getting sidelined with a painful burn now and will also prevent wrinkles, premature aging, sun spots, and skin cancer down the road. Don’t forget — all people, regardless of skin color, benefit from sun protection. Even though people with darker skin colors are less likely to get sunburned, it is still important for them to protect their skin from dangerous UV rays.

Tip #11 – Hydration + Nutrition!

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

Remember that truly healthy skin comes from within. Get your glow on from within by hydrating your body every day. Every person needs at least 8 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated and preteens and teens often need even more to keep up with water loss from physical activities. Keep in mind that a healthy diet will also help you look and feel your best. A super-skin-saving diet minimizes saturated fats and high glycemic foods. Dairy and gluten can also trigger acne for some people. Avoid overeating dairy and sugar products — these can spike our hormones, sometimes causing more oils. Stay aware of how your body feels after consuming certain foods and make sure to get enough nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables that your skin needs to repair and renew.

Tip #12 – Get Help if Needed!

Written by Jennifer Choi, M.D.

See a skin care professional to get the most custom routine and treatments for you and to see what works best for you to have clear, smooth skin. An esthetician can recommend a custom skin care routine and perform clarifying skin treatments. A dermatologist can assess the skin and prescribe stronger acne products such as topical creams or even oral antibiotics or other oral medications if needed.

10 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Daily

#1 Create A Morning Ritual

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

Mornings can have the power to set the tone for the rest of your day.

  1. When you first wake up, before looking at your phone or getting caught up by any other distractions, take a moment of quiet reflection for yourself.
  2. Your morning ritual could be as simple as sitting up in your bed, eyes closed, and spending a moment or two focused on your breathing. While breathing, you can practice a simple moment of gratitude and think of something you are grateful for or set an intention (aim or focus) for your day.
  3. As you develop this morning ritual, you can deepen your practice by sitting for longer periods and allowing more silence before you begin your day. You can think of this practice as a way to set yourself up for success for the day by regulating your nervous system (your body’s functioning) in preparation for the day ahead.

#2 Mindful Breathing

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

Remember You Are Always Breathing!

One of the easiest and most direct ways to bring your attention to the present moment is by bringing your attention to your breath. Your breath is always happening in the present moment whether you are thinking about it or not, and by bringing your attention to it, you are directly connecting yourself to the present moment as it is unfolding.

    • You can try this right now. As you take a few breaths, notice how you are breathing, if it is shallow or deep, and where in your body you feel it, whether it be in your chest, belly, or nose.
    • For a quick practice: Take three deep belly breaths in and out through your nose, focusing your attention on your inhale and exhale, noting where you feel the breath in your body. Repeat this three times and practice it as often as you need throughout the day. This practice can be especially useful in stressful circumstances.

#3 Mindful Listening

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

Practice Mindful/Active Listening

Many times, when someone is speaking to us, we are often caught up in our own mind thinking of what we are going to say next, without giving their words our full attention and consideration. Mindful listening is a way of listening without judgment, criticism, or interruption. Do this while at the same time as being aware of internal thoughts and reactions you may be experiencing that are actually getting in the way of people communicating with you effectively.

Next time you are in a conversation, try actively listening to the other person with your full attention and see what you notice. Is the conversation more enjoyable? Easier? Or something else? This type of mindful listening can lead to developing deeper and more authentic connections with others.


#4 Check in with Your Body

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

Tune into your Body

One of the most amazing aspects of your body is that it functions without you having to do anything — your heart beats, your lungs breathe, and your stomach processes and digests your food without you having to tell them to. Yet, your body also constantly sends you messages and feedback through different sensations that you might not always notice. It is an important tool for your health to make some time each day to tune into your body’s sensations and notice if you think it is trying to communicate something to you. Take a moment each day and check in with your body. What do you notice? Are there any pains or aches? Do you feel a sense of heaviness or lightness? Do you feel tight anywhere? By bringing your attention to your body, you are able to bring your attention to the present and also connect to the feedback and information your body is sending you so you can learn from your body.

The Practice

Set an alarm on your phone or watch for a specific time each day to check in with your body and do this practice. Take a deep breath and become fully aware of everything you feel through your senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell), including sensations in your body, the air on your skin, temperature of the room, sounds around you, etc. Notice, allow, and breathe through any discomfort that might come up from thoughts, feelings, or sensations you have.

Tips for strong emotions or sensations: When you do this practice, it is normal for strong emotions or physical sensations to be there. If the emotions or sensations feel overwhelming, just stop the practice and give yourself some kudos for trying it out! Many people have noticed that the more they practice, the more they are able to handle big emotions or sensations in their bodies.

If the emotions or sensations are not too overwhelming and you want to keep practicing, try this:

  • As you check in with your body and emotions, see if you can “feel” where the emotions live in your body. You might find that feelings of worry or anxiety cause discomfort in your chest and so on. Once you identify where that emotion lives in your body, you can bring your attention to it, and see if you can relax your body in that area. This can help release and soften the emotion or sensation you are feeling and maybe even its impact on you.

#5 Find Things to be Grateful For

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

Adopting an “attitude of gratitude” is a little practice that can have a big impact on your life! People who regularly practice gratitude make time in their day to notice and reflect on the people, places, and things they are thankful for. In doing so, studies suggest they experience more positive emotions, sleep better, have more compassion and kindness towards others, feel more alive, and even have stronger immune systems. This practice allows you to really savor and appreciate the goodness in your life.

    • It is best done daily for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes before going to bed by reflecting in your favorite journal and writing down 3 things you are grateful for.
    • You can start by noting simple things that make your life better each day, for example, a friend or family member who helps you, a place like your home or school, or things like your favorite blanket, sweater, or pet.
    • This practice is also useful for moments when your life feels stormy or out of control, too. It is a powerful way to uplift your mind by focusing your attention in the present moment to what is positive in your life.
    • It is a way to gently bring the positive things to the forefront of your mind so that you are able to more easily come back into the present moment, rather than worrying about the future or thinking about difficulties in the past.

By focusing on the positive we become more available to create a more positive future and attract more of the things we do want in our life. Just remember, where your focus goes, energy flows!

#6 Mindful Movement / Walking

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

There are so many times throughout the day where the mind is distracted or on autopilot and you might wonder how you got from point A to point B without having to put much thought into it. By bringing mindful attention to your walking or movement, you can break free from this cycle, clearing your mind of any clutter, and restoring your sense of focus and attention to what is directly in front of you. The goal is simple and fun. Become consciously aware while moving.

As you walk or move, pay attention to the sensations of the body, and play with your movement. Imagine you are an alien who just landed on Earth and had to learn how to walk on our planet. How do your feet feel when they each hit the ground? How do the other muscles of your body feel as you balance? Notice if and how your arms swing as you walk. Is it easier or more difficult to move if you slow down? As you become aware of your body and surroundings, see if you can open up your senses with a sense of curiosity and joy to experience the sights, sounds, and smells that surround you.

#7 Tap into Your Flow State

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

It’s more likely than not that you have experienced a flow state at some point in your life. It is a state of mind and body where you are completely absorbed and intensely focused on your task at hand, unaffected by any distractions. In this state, time will feel like it has slowed down, your senses will be heightened, and your actions and awareness are in sync to respond with effortless momentum.

    • Tapping into a flow state is possible for everyone and can be achieved in a physical activity, creative pursuit, or even more mundane everyday tasks. Many people know this state as being “in the zone,” and it is an incredibly powerful state to be able to tap into.
    • Tapping into a flow state becomes easier the more you practice mindfulness meditation, because you are actively training your attention, focus, and concentration.
    • A flow state is essentially meditation in motion and is most easily accessible by doing something you love.
    • To create flow remember: you must be engaging in something you like or with an attitude of joy, the activity cannot be too easy or difficult, your mindset must be focused on the journey not the destination, process, or the end result.

#8 Observe Your Surroundings with Mindful Seeing

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

Mindful seeing is the practice of taking in your surroundings by observing and noticing the finer details of life all around you in the present moment, without needing to label or judge them in any way. This is best practiced outdoors where you can experience the natural world around you.

You might notice:
    • The clouds moving across the sky,
    • People or animals walking by,
    • The wind against your face,
    • Leaves falling from the trees, or
    • The beautiful flowers.

There are so many ways to practice mindful seeing. Look for the small details, the things you find beautiful, and the quiet things in life and the world around you. When you take in these details, notice how they make you feel inside. Another level of mindfulness, unlocked. This practice reveals the beauty and gift that can be found in the present moment — all around you, all the time. Practicing this way, through how you observe the world, shows you the choice you always have over where and how your attention is directed. This choice of where you place your attention is always yours.


#9 Try Mindful Eating

Written by Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

A really great and enjoyable way to bring your attention to the present moment is when you eat. Sometimes we aren’t paying attention to the food we eat because we’re distracted and busy doing other things at the same time — homework, talking or texting with friends, watching videos or TV, etc. This can often lead to mindless eating where you may eat way more than you meant to or so fast that you didn’t realize you were already full. When you take time to eat mindfully, you can bring yourself into the experience, truly appreciate your food, and engage all five of your senses.

    • Start with a small portion, look at your food, noticing the colors, aromas, and textures. Think about where your food came from, and all of the people, plants, and animals that helped make this food for you. Take a moment to practice gratitude in your mind and heart, saying “thank you” for all the work that it took to bring you this food.
    • Use your nose to smell the aromas your food has to offer.
    • As you chew slowly and thoroughly, feel the textures in your mouth, like soft, hard, chewy, warm, or cold.
    • Listen to the sounds the foods make as you chew the food and focus on the diverse flavors you taste.

The more you practice mindful eating, the more enjoyment and nourishment you will experience when eating.

#10 Find A Buddy!

Developing a mindfulness practice doesn’t always have to be something you do alone. Lots of times mindfulness is practiced in a community or group setting. Community support is key to developing and maintaining a practice. If you tend to be more social, or like the accountability, connection, and support that community or group members bring to the experience, find a buddy or group to practice with! There are some awesome apps and organizations that offer teen-centered mindfulness classes, retreats, and practices on their website and in-person.

Check them out here:

Create a DIY Anxiety Relief Toolkit

How to Create a DIY Anxiety Relief Tool Kit

Written by Dahyana P. Schlosser, PMHNP-BC

For those who struggle with anxiety, the creation of a personalized Anxiety Relief Tool Kit can make a world of a difference. These kits place relief at your fingertips wherever you may be.

When put together in a thoughtful way, they have the ability to help a person stay in control of their anxious symptoms. Your kit can be a small bag that you keep in your purse or backpack. It can also be a box or a small mint tin. Really, it can be whatever you want it to be. The point is to keep all of the parts together in an easily accessible space.

You can make multiple versions of your Anxiety Relief Tool Kit and keep them in special places like your desk at work, your car, or anywhere else you frequent.

Everyone can have a toolkit, including children. Helping a child to put together a toolkit that they can use at home, in school, or in any other setting that causes them anxiety can be a powerful way to empower them to cope with their anxiety.

In order to make an Ultimate Anxiety Relief Tool Kit, you will need to make sure you have something to engage each of your senses.

Tip #1: Something for your hands and body

Rubik’s cubes are great for this! They engage your mind and hands in an activity that undoubtedly will divert your anxious energy.

Fidget toys such as this ingenious cube consolidate multiple fidget-worthy activities into one item. Roll a ball. Click some buttons. Rotate a joystick. It is so awesome because it is small and discrete. As a result, it allows the user the ability to fidget and take out their anxious energy in almost any setting.

In addition, stress balls, pencil toppers, velcro, pipe cleaners, and poster tack or Play-Doh can all be great anxiety relief tools.

Anything with texture, such as a soft towel or blanket are nice to hold on to and rub between your hands or fingers. Depending on how big your particular tool kit is, you may need to cut whatever material you choose down to an appropriate size. You may find you like having a small one for school and a larger one for home.

Tip #2: Something to Smell

Engaging your sense of smell can be so helpful! Smells, especially ones that remind us of pleasant memories are known to help calm anxiety.

Quick mindfulness exercise: Think back to a time when you felt really serene and calm. Where were you? What did you see? Most importantly for this exercise: what were you smelling? If possible, try to pinpoint that smell. Describe it. Then, brainstorm ways to capture it and have it in your tool kit.

If you can’t pinpoint a smell. Or, if the smell you remember is impossible to recreate, try some of these:

  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Jasmine
  • Rosemary
  • Cinnamon
  • Peppermint
  • Vanilla

Many scents can be found in the form of oils, soaps, lotions, and of course in other organic states. Lotions and oils in particular can engage more than one sense if you decide to put some on.

For scents that come in more organic forms like flowers, loose powders, or spices, you may need to find vials or jars to keep them in.

Tip #3: Something to Listen To

Most of us carry around our phones. Having a specific playlist that you create with songs that you know help to calm you down is a powerful way to get rid of anxiety. Music heals and has the power to take us away while keeping us present. So, in your tool kit you may want to make sure you have headphones for when the occasion arises.

Here are some playlists for chronic anxiety.

Tip #4: Something(s) to See

Any visual representations of things that make you feel calm are great antidotes to anxiety. If looking at pictures of particular family members is what keeps you calm then have those handy!

For some it may be that looking at serene landscapes in nature takes you to your calm place. Maybe it is a photo of you or someone else engaging in an activity that you know takes you to your calm place. Rock climbing? Yoga? Swimming? Gardening?

Using an online photo service is a cheap and convenient way to get pictures of any kind printed. Mpix is just one of these. Of course, your camera roll may be your go-to.

Other examples of visual calming aids are:

  • Pictures of your favorite art pieces.
  • Coloring books and coloring tools (pencils, crayons, markers etc.). Engage your visuals while partaking in the therapeutic activity of coloring. Adult coloring books like this one are awesome for those of us that feel swearing can be appropriately cathartic.
  • Any object that you enjoy looking at such as: seashells (can also engage your feeling senses), uniquely colored rocks (Smooth or textured can also engage your feeling senses), prisms, or a mirror.

Tip #5: Something to Feel (via rocking or deep pressure)

Many people use linear movements such as walking, rocking, or swinging to calm themselves. Try using a rocking chair, going for a walk, or swinging. Others also find deep pressure input such as hugs, weighted blankets, lap pads, jumping, or putting a heavier item like a book or bag on their laps helps with anxiety. You can also provide some slow calming deep pressure to the top of your head with your hands when overwhelmed. You may even find you like both rocking and deep pressure at the same time!

Tip #6: Something to Taste

Eating to relieve anxiety can be a slippery slope for some. However, there are some foods that are known to have calming effects on people. The following can easily be slipped into your Ultimate Anxiety Relief Tool Kit and stored for longer periods of time.

  • Chocolate – pure dark chocolate has been known to lower the levels of the hormone cortisol which is linked to stress and anxiety.
  • Almonds – contain zinc which is essential in balancing mood. Furthermore, almonds have iron which could help to keep your brain energized and less susceptible to anxious energy.
  • Chewing gum (aim for sugar-free!)
  • Calming Teas
  • Mints

Other foods that you may want to consider taking with you as you leave your house are:

  • Oranges – hello Vitamin C!
  • Blueberries– considered to be a Superfood. They have antioxidants (among many other things) that help to combat anxiety.
  • Peaches – have nutrients with calming effects.
  • Whole Grains – pasta or bread anyone? We’ve all been there after a big meal with some complex carbs. We feel slower in our minds and our bodies. A great antidote for anxiety – though you may want to incorporate exercise if you plan on using this one a lot!
  • Carrots – or other healthy crunchy snacks can be calming.
  • Water bottle – to stay hydrated and help yourself calm your mind.

Tip #7: Some other things you might want to consider putting in!

  • Favorite books – especially ones with positive quotes or thoughts.
  • Chapstick or lip balm – it smells and feels good to put on, you are certainly engaging more than one sense at a time. Thumbs up to that!
  • A journal or a small notebook to get those anxious thoughts out of your head. Writing them down can be super helpful. Sometimes this act alone can show you just how irrational your thoughts are. Maybe you read them back to yourself and laugh at how ridiculous you can be! 🙂
  • Lastly, do you know what you worry about? Maybe when you are in a good headspace, perhaps after a yoga or meditation session, you can write down phrases to help calm you down. You can dedicate a journal page (or a few) to this activity. Or, write on strips of paper, fold them, and place them in a small box or ziploc bag. This version allows there to be a bit of mindfulness activity when you go to unfold and read them. Either way you do it, just know that there is nothing like disproving your own thoughts to combat anxiety.

Some examples of what you can say to yourself:

  • Hey, Danny isn’t ignoring you -– he is probably just busy right now.
  • I’m doing great at work. Why am I worried? Also, just last week, my boss said I’m really impressing everyone!
  • I’m not a failure. I’ve accomplished so many things in my life. I’m only worried because I want great things for myself. I don’t need to worry to be great.
  • I’m okay. You’re OKAY.
  • This feeling is not permanent. It will pass.
  • Take ten deep breaths.
  • Stay Present.
  • Notice what you can see right now.
  • Notice what you can hear right now.
  • Notice what you can smell right now.
  • Notice what you can feel on your body right now.
  • It always helps when you_______ .
  • I am in control.

Compiling your Ultimate Anxiety Relief Tool Kit should be fun because it is literally all about you! Also, it helps you to bring to the forefront of your mind things that help you feel better. Not only that, you’ll feel more in control. After all, who doesn’t like to feel calm and relaxed? Anxiety doesn’t stand a chance when your kit is stockpiled with your best kept secrets!

One last Tip!
Using more than one tool from your tool kit at a time can help if you are feeling very anxious. So, if you are in a place where it is possible to pull multiple things out, do it! For example, you may want to put your headphones on and listen to some music, then put some great smelling lotion on your hands, and play with a fidget tool. Although if you are only feeling a little anxious, perhaps being mindful as you put on some tingly delicious-smelling chapstick is all that you need. For more information about Anxiety and other Mental Illness Conditions click here.


You Are Enough

You are Enough

Written by Dr. RJ

  |  Reviewed by Team BLOOM

Self-worth is a measure of how much you respect yourself. It is not determined by what others think of you or the accomplishments you have made — it comes from within. You are inherently worthy and can give yourself the love you desire. It is a choice you can consciously make everyday and with practice it will get easier.

Self-acceptance is probably the greatest gift you can offer yourself. Self-acceptance is unconditional: it means accepting you as you are, faults and all. If we make self-acceptance or self-love conditional, the reality is that we will never be satisfied with ourselves.

The truth is that our bodies are continuously evolving and will never be the same as they were the day before. If we put our self-worth on something as fluid as our appearances, we will perpetually ride the emotional roller coaster of body preoccupation and humiliation.

If you want to alter your appearance, do it for yourself. However, keep in mind that your body image should not determine your value. A lovely body or a gorgeous face will not last forever nor change the way you truly feel about yourself inside. If your self-worth is based only on how you look, then imagine how your self-worth could change from day to day. Explore self-worth beyond the boundaries of your appearance. Once you understand who you are and are content with that, you can find serenity even while you navigate life’s unavoidable highs and lows.

The most important thing to remember and repeat to yourself is that you are already whole. You are unique and you are enough just the way you are.

Explore Zee
Interact with Zee to Learn More!
Gender Identity How I feel Inside Romantic + Sexual Orientation Who I’m Attracted to Sex My anatomy Gender Expression How I express my gender
Gender Identity

How I feel Inside

Gender Identity

How I feel Inside

Our gender identity is the gender we feel ourselves to be, who we know that we are inside…

Cisgender people identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, and transgender people don’t.

Gender identities other than girl/woman or boy/man are considered to be nonbinary.

Our gender identity is internal and not visible to others.

Romantic + Sexual Orientation

Who I'm attracted to

Romantic + Sexual Orientation

Who I'm attracted to

Our romantic orientation is the gender/s that we are emotionally attracted to.

Our sexual orientation is the gender/s that we are physically attracted to.

Our sexual orientation is not always the same as our romantic orientation.

A person’s orientation can change over their lifetime.


My Anatomy


My Anatomy

Sex is a medical term that describes a set of factors related to the human reproductive system.

Infants are commonly assigned a sex at birth, based on the appearance of their genitals.

Intersex is an umbrella term for people whose chromosome patterns and/or anatomy do not fit typical binary ideas of a male or female body.

Gender Expression

How I express my gender

Gender Expression

How I express my gender

Our gender expression is how we publicly display our gender.

This can include our name, hairstyle, clothing, makeup, pronouns, body language, way of speaking, and more.

Your gender expression may or may not match your gender identity and/or the expectations that other people have of you.


A list of BLOOM's trusted resources to find more information and support… VIEW ALL

Trusted Organizations
National Suicide Prevention Hotline

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress.

The Trevor Project

A non-profit organization focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth.


Empowers people with breakthrough research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment.

Books, Apps, & Podcasts
Insight Timer

Offers 100,000 free guided meditations for as long as you want without ever paying a cent.

Calm App

App for sleep and meditation. Experience better sleep, lower stress, and less anxiety.

Fooducate App

Scan the barcodes of items in the grocery store to see how nutritional the foods really are.

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