Questions & Answers

Menstruation FAQs

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Menstruation!

If you think you’re going to get your period soon, try to wear an underwear liner or your period underwear in preparation and always take a couple of pads or tampons with you when you go out. If you don’t have any products on you, ask a friend or trusted adult. Some public restrooms still have tampon vending machines or a supply of period products, but you can’t always count on these options. If there’s no other option, you can always fold up some toilet paper and place it in your underwear as a safeguard until you can find a period product.

Try asking a friend, teacher, or school nurse, or check the nearest restroom — some have a supply of period products. In an emergency, you can always fold up some toilet paper and place it in your underwear as a safeguard until you can find a period product. If you are in the middle of class and feel your period coming on, you can always raise your hand to be excused or privately ask the teacher if you can go to the bathroom.

Bleeding through your pants is something that has likely happened at some point to just about everyone who has a period. That means if it happens to you, know that you have half the world in your corner with you. First, no need to freak out! Grab a jacket, sweater, or other top and tie it around your waist. If you don’t have one, ask a friend or trusted adult if you can borrow some clothes until you get home. To prevent any leaks or stains in the future, be sure to add a liner, pad, or wear period underwear when you’re using a tampon or menstrual cup, as they are a great backup to catch any leaks. If you’re really nervous about staining your clothes by accident, keep an extra change of clothes in your bag, backpack or locker.

If you’re out and you stain your underwear but not the rest of your clothing, you can simply place some folded toilet paper over the stain or wrap it around the stain and change your pad or tampon to prevent further leaking. If your underwear is really saturated, you can wash it in the bathroom sink with some cold water and soap — this usually gets most of the blood out. Then when you get home, you can throw them in the washing machine. It’s a good idea to ask a trusted adult for help the first time this happens. The person who does the laundry in your household probably has a few tips!

Pretty much! You can expect to get periods from puberty until menopause (when you’re around 45-55 years old). Periods can temporarily stop during pregnancy, some illnesses, or if you use hormonal medication such as some types of birth control.

Going through puberty and getting your first period can be challenging for anyone, and being transgender adds another emotional layer to that. It can be confusing and stressful when what is going on in your body biologically does not match how you are feeling and identify. The most important thing when learning about periods is to know that they’re normal and that having a period doesn’t mean that you don’t have to identify as a girl or woman. Not every person who identifies as a woman menstruates and not all people who menstruate identify as a woman. To learn more about navigating menstruation as a transgender youth, visit BLOOM’s Menstruation Page.

If you’re the first to get your period, it’s up to you if you want to share this with your friends or not. Unless you tell them, they probably won’t notice. If you feel lonely, know that it probably won’t be for long. It’s likely that your friends will get their periods too in the next few months — and when that happens they’ll be coming to you for advice!

Remember it’s totally normal to not get your period until you are 15, and some people start theirs even later. It’s natural to feel left out if all your friends have experienced something you haven’t, but your body is working hard to grow and develop. So be patient, it will be here before you know it!

Only if you tell them! If you are showing facial expressions from painful cramping, or if you look tired, are irritable or sad, these can be clues that you might have your period. But there are many other reasons to look tired! Unless you mention to others that you have your period, it is unlikely that they will notice.

It is normal for your vagina and vaginal discharge to have a light smell, even when it’s clean. As long as you bathe or shower regularly, and change your pad, tampon or menstrual cup regularly, then it’s very unlikely that anyone will notice any odor due to your period.

In some circumstances, yes. Most bad smells are caused by bacteria, yet, because your vagina’s pH (acidity) is normally low, this prevents bacteria from growing and causing odor. There are, however, certain foods that can raise and throw off your vagina’s pH level, promoting bacterial growth that may cause odor. These can include sugar or alcohol, and pungent spices like garlic and onions can also emit odor for some people. However, there are other foods like yogurt that contain beneficial bacteria that can actually help lower and control your vagina’s pH. Drinking plenty of water can also be your friend to help flush out any impurities, so drink up, your vagina will thank you! *If you notice any unusual smells or vaginal discharge, talk with a trusted adult or see your doctor or pharmacist for advice. For more information about foods that support a healthy vagina, check out BLOOM’s Exercise, Nutrition, & Your Period page.

Only a few foods have been scientifically proven to be good for period cramps and PMS. Cranberries can help prevent recurrent UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).

For menstrual cramps, the vitamins B6, B12, as well as Zinc, Magnesium, and Valerian root have all been proven to help. Ideally, you want to get these vitamins and minerals from dietary sources rather than supplements.

When you are well-hydrated, and eat plenty of fruit, veggies, and whole grains this will provide your body with good nutrition overall. The result? Your whole body, as well as your reproductive system, will feel much better. For more information about foods that support a healthy vagina, check out BLOOM’s Exercise, Nutrition, & Your Period page.

Absolutely! There are certain period products that work really well for swimming including tampons and menstrual cups. Usually, the water pressure decreases your flow while you are swimming, so wearing a tampon or menstrual cup will ensure that you are protected while in the water. Once you come out of the water, your flow will return to normal. A fun tip about swimming is that exercise may also help reduce menstrual cramps, so jump right in and have fun! For more information about the benefits of exercise with PMS check out BLOOM’s Exercise, Nutrition, & Your Period page.

Yes! Your period should not limit you from playing any sports or activities. In fact, it may actually help with PMS symptoms! Tampons or menstrual cups are great for playing sports or swimming, and many people find them more convenient than pads. For more information about the benefits of exercise with PMS check out BLOOM’s Exercise, Nutrition, & Your Period page.

During your period or PMS you might feel tired and lack motivation to exercise. You actually may find that working out gives you more energy, or you might just need to take it easy. Listen to your body. Working out with a friend can help you stay motivated.

Due to hormonal changes, some people experience food cravings in the days leading up to their period. If you’re hungry, eat! Focus on eating well, staying active and enjoying your amazing body and everything it can do. When you are well-hydrated, and eat plenty of fruit, veggies, and whole grains this will provide your body with good nutrition overall. The result? Your whole body, as well as your reproductive system will feel much better. Some people experience bloating, constipation or water retention during their period or PMS, and this can give the appearance of weight gain. Keep in mind that this is temporary.

Yes. With a menstrual cup, this is pretty straightforward. If you’re wearing a tampon, just pull the string to the side so it doesn’t get wet.

If you’re feeling PMS symptoms or think your period might be about to start, you can wear a light underwear liner, pad or period underwear for “just-in-case” protection. It’s not a good idea to put a tampon in if you don’t have your period because that can cause an infection. If you’re not bleeding, or even if your flow is very light, then inserting and removing a tampon can also be uncomfortable. It’s better to use a liner, pad, or period underwear instead.

No. Only use one tampon at a time. If you’re worried that your flow is too heavy, use a “Super” absorbency size, or add a pad or liner. When you’re using a tampon or menstrual cup, you can add a liner, pad, or period underwear as a backup to catch any leaks. You can also wear dark clothing on your bottom half or tie a top or jacket around your waist. If you’re really nervous about staining your clothes by accident, keep an extra change of clothes in your backpack or locker. If you’re worried about staining your bedsheets, you can put a towel down to lay on during sleep.

Tampons and menstrual cups can’t get lost because the cervix, (the opening at the top of the vagina), is too small for them to get through.

Tampons and menstrual cups can’t fall out, because they’re held in place by the muscles around the entrance to the vagina. If you feel like your tampon or cup is falling out, that means you need to insert it a little further into the vagina. Watch our video on how to properly insert a tampon and other period products on BLOOM’s Period Products page.

Sometimes you try to insert your tampon or cup and just can’t seem to get it in the correct place, or it just doesn’t feel right. It may take some practice to place it comfortably. If attempting to place a tampon is ever painful, there are a couple of simple techniques that you can try. Try to relax, and if the tampon or cup is dry, some KY Jelly or other water-based lubricant can also make insertion easier. The same goes for removal.

If attempting to insert a tampon or cup is very painful or seems impossible, a gynecologist can help identify what may be causing this. This might be Vaginismus, an involuntary tightening or spasm that happens when something is being inserted into the vagina. Or sometimes, there can be changes in the hymen that can make insertion of a tampon difficult.


If you go to remove your tampon but suddenly can’t find the string, don’t panic. It’s probably just tucked under one of your labia or just inside your vagina. Wash your hands and feel around inside your vagina until you find it, then pull the tampon out as you normally would. If you’re having trouble, try squatting and pushing as if you’re pooping. This will bring the tampon closer to the vaginal entrance, making it easier to find the string. The same trick works if you’re having trouble removing your menstrual cup. If you are still having difficulties, don’t panic, make an appointment with your general practitioner or gynecologist to help.

No. It’s not recommended to leave a tampon in overnight or for more than 8 hours. Toxic Shock or TSS is a severe but rare condition that can occur from a bacterial infection. It occurs in about 1 in 100,000 tampon users. TSS can be caused by leaving a tampon in for a long time. This is why it’s very important that you change your tampon every few hours and not leave it in all day or overnight. Most menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours. This means you can wear one all day long, or overnight before you need to empty and rinse it. Again, it’s not good to have old menstrual blood on your products for too long, so keep this in mind.

First, stay calm. Toxic Shock or TSS is a severe but rare condition that can occur from a bacterial infection. It occurs in about 1 in 100,000 tampon users. TSS can be caused by leaving a tampon in for a long time. This is why it’s very important that you change your tampon every few hours and not leave it in all day or overnight.

Symptoms of TSS:

  • High fever and chills
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Severe muscle aches
  • Diarrhea
  • Feeling extremely weak or dizzy
  • A sunburn-like rash that can get progressively worse as time passes

If you’re using a tampon and experience any of these symptoms, remove the tampon, tell an adult and call your doctor.

TSS has also been associated with menstrual cup use, although very rarely. The numbers are small so it is hard to estimate the actual risk but it is thought to be just as low or even lower than tampon use.

It is normal to experience some PMS (premenstrual syndrome) before and during your period. PMS is caused by the changes in your hormones throughout your monthly cycle and these symptoms are often clues that your period is on its way. PMS can start a few days before your period begins and continue through the first few days of bleeding. If you’re experiencing an overload of stress, emotions, and/or moodiness, prioritize your own needs and practice some self-care techniques. Learn more about PMS symptoms and how to manage it by visiting BLOOM’s PMS page.

Most people have experienced PMS symptoms during their period, but the good part is that they can be managed while you are having them and they go away after the first few days. Here are our top tips for making your period as pain-free as possible:

  • Eat well and stay hydrated
  • Listen to your body by getting extra rest, exercise, and be compassionate with yourself
  • Use heat to soothe cramps by applying your warmie to the area of discomfort or by taking a hot bath
  • Ask your guardian if you can take over-the-counter pain medicine like ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), or acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • If your PMS symptoms are becoming difficult to manage, see a medical professional

In the first few years, it’s normal for your menstrual cycle (the time from day 1 of one period to day 1 of the next period) to vary from 21-45 days. About three years after your first period, you should have a period every 21-34 days, with the average cycle length being 28 days.

The length of a period, (duration), can vary from one person to another, and from one menstrual cycle to another, but the typical length is between 3-7 days of bleeding. For more information about menstruation, visit BLOOM’s Menstruation 101 page.

Yes, your first period is a sign that your body is changing, and that it’s now possible for you to get pregnant. For a pregnancy to happen, a sperm cell needs to fertilize an egg in the fallopian tube (for example, during penis-in-vagina sex). If the egg is not fertilized during the ovulation stage, then the uterus lining sheds and flows out of the vagina as a period. Just because you are physically able to get pregnant, that doesn’t mean you’re ready to have a baby. If you want to talk about this more, reach out to your parent, caregiver, or another trusted adult.

During your period, you may have some light days when you’re barely bleeding at all, and then some days where your bleeding is heavier. Your period flow (volume) is the amount of blood that comes out, and the easiest way to measure it is by noting how often you need to change your period products. Your flow may be light, regular, heavy, or very heavy. You’ll probably need to change your pad, tampon, or menstrual cup about 3–6 times a day.

The average volume of menstrual blood is only between 3-8 tablespoons for your entire period.

For more information about your period flow, visit BLOOM’s Signs of Your Cycle Page.

The best way to keep your vagina and vulva clean is to wash the Labia Majora (outer lips) and the outer portions of the Labia Minora (inner lips) with water alone or a mild cleanser as needed when you’re in the bathtub or shower.

Never put soaps or other cleaners in between the labia minora or up inside your vagina, also known as douching! This can mess with the balance of healthy bacteria inside. Your vagina cleans itself automatically, so just let it do its thing!