Skin Care FAQs

Get answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Skin Care here!
Written by Gina Lepore // Reviewed by Dr. Hina Talib

Just like brushing your teeth and combing your hair, taking care of your skin is good for your health and your self-esteem at any age. When you are a younger kid, taking care of your skin may be just as easy as bathing or showering daily, washing off your face with a cool splash in the sink, and applying moisturizer when your skin is dry. You can also care for your skin at any age by protecting yourself from the sun. As you enter your preteen and teen years you will notice increased oil production of your skin and you may start to see some clogged pores or breakouts. At this time, a good twice daily skin care routine can be a skin-saver! It only takes a few minutes but taking the time to care for your skin can help prevent lots of skin issues and help you look and feel your best.

Dermatologists are doctors that focus on your skin, nails, and hair. Anytime you are having a skin issue that is affecting your confidence or daily routine, a dermatologist can be a huge help. Many individuals develop skin rashes, like eczema or psoriasis, or develop acne that can’t be controlled with treatments available at the store. If you have a skin problem that isn’t able to be resolved with a good skin care routine or some of the initial steps we have outlined for you here, a skin doctor can take further steps to help you achieve healthy skin. Your primary care doctor or pediatrician is also a good starting point to get some help with any skin issues you are having.

Having acne does not mean you are doing something wrong and it’s nothing to be ashamed about. That being said, there are some things you can do to improve your health AND minimize breakouts. We all know that the foods we eat fuel our bodies, and of course, those food choices can affect the health of our skin.

  • Foods that are high in saturated fat (fast foods and fried foods etc.) or high in sugar/refined carbs (candy, white bread, pasta, white rice, soda, energy drinks, etc.) are all known to trigger breakouts. The insulin that is released after a sugary treat may increase the activity of other hormones, that in turn, increase sebum/oil production of the skin.
  • Dairy products can also trigger acne, possibly in part due to their effects on our insulin levels.
  • Omega-6-fatty acids, which are found in vegetable, corn, and soy oils, can increase inflammation in the body and lead to worsening acne.
  • Whey protein and other high protein supplements may help you build muscle, but they can also cause skin trouble when consumed in large amounts. Studies have shown increased acne in athletes using whey protein supplementation.
  • Omega-3-fatty acids and antioxidants, like green tea or turmeric, reduce inflammation in the body which can help decrease acne.
  • Probiotic supplements or foods with active probiotic cultures can promote a healthy microbiome (the balance of “good” bacteria that live on our skin and in our gut).
  • Eating a balanced diet with plenty of vitamin intake and hydration with water is important as well.
  • Overall, the best skin diet consists of lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and fish.

Our skin produces oils at different rates, so some of us may have dry skin while others have oily skin. Most commonly, our skin is a combo of both oily and dry. In the “T-zone” area of our face, which includes the forehead, nose, central cheeks, and chin, oil production is often high, while skin may appear dry in other areas.

  • If you have dry skin overall, you may need to utilize more moisturizer or thicker moisturizers, avoid hot showers, and be careful with incorporating too many drying ingredients in a skin care regimen (like retinol). People with dry skin are often more likely to have eczema, which is a type of itchy rash.
  • On the other hand, if you have more oily skin you may need to cleanse more frequently and avoid pore-clogging skin care ingredients. People with oily skin should look for oil-free and non-comedogenic skin care products because they can have a greater tendency to develop acne.
  • People with either dry or oily skin can also have sensitive skin, which means that the skin tends to react with redness or inflammation after exposure to various skin products. If you have sensitive skin it is best to avoid products with fragrances or irritating chemicals. Look for “clean beauty” skin care products.

Dermatologists think of skin types as a description of how likely a person is to get a sunburn. Skin type 1 people burn very easily in the sun while skin type 5 people tan extremely easily and burn very rarely. The lower number skin types have an increased risk of skin cancer and need to be extra cautious with sun protection.

You may also be curious about your skin tone. Within all of the skin types, people may have cooler or warmer skin tones. If you can see lots of pink flushing in your skin or your veins appear blue under the surface of your skin, your skin tone is likely cooler. If your skin has more yellow undertones, with less pink flushing and greenish veins, then you have a warmer skin tone. You can also have a neutral skin tone, which lies somewhere in the middle.

Natural skin care products can work for you but just being described as “natural” doesn’t mean a product is hypoallergenic or effective. In general, good natural products are lower in, or free from, harmful or toxic ingredients like phthalates, sulfates, artificial fragrances, or parabens. Products can absolutely be effective without these types of ingredients and they may provide health benefits as well! The BLOOM Store offers non-toxic, planet friendly products that work!

There is no “one-size-fits-all” skin care regimen, and you may find that you need to use a different combo of products than your friends use. In general, all of us need a facial cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. You may find you need additional products to keep your skin looking its best, such as anti-acne treatments.

Ingrown hairs are prevented much in the same way that razor bumps and shaving nicks can be prevented. To start, wet the skin thoroughly prior to shaving, use a shave cream or gel, use a multi-blade razor that is not dull, shave in short strokes in the direction of hair growth, rinse, and moisturize.

When you shave the skin, tiny imperceptible breaks in the skin occur. The salt in the ocean water can then cause a stinging sensation in these breaks. You may notice the same thing if you try to use a physical exfoliant (like a salt scrub) in the shower after shaving.