The Power of Affirmations

“It is through the word that you manifest everything.” –The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz


The Power of Affirmations

Written by Team BLOOM

  |  Reviewed by Em Morrison

You’ve likely heard how much of an impact the way you talk to yourself can have on your life. This “self-talk,” or internal dialogue, is the steady stream of thoughts you experience throughout the day that helps you define, evaluate, and make meaning of your life and the world around you. Whether you are aware of it or not, this internal dialogue has a blend of what are called affirmations: declarative statements of what you believe to be true, what shapes your beliefs, what defines your worldview, and what creates your reality. The word affirmation means “to make firm” and occurs in your mind subconsciously as messages. This means they happen in the part of your brain that you are not fully aware of but that influences your actions and feelings dramatically (kind of like how auto-pilot works).

These messages have an immense power over you, reinforcing who you know yourself to be, what you think you are or aren’t capable of, and how you are meant to live your life. And depending on if your affirmations are positive or negative, they can build you up to achieve your potential or keep you stuck in self-sabotaging beliefs that limit what you believe you are capable of or are worth. Positive affirmations can be practiced silently in your head or out loud as a declarative sentence or statement. This gives your mind practice in knowing the statement to be true and believing in that truth. You could also write these positive affirmations on sticky notes and place them in frequently visited areas, like the fridge, bathroom mirror, or shower door. You may even choose to use them as part of your technology passwords (e.g., “I@mw0rthY!”). Be sure to get creative and original if you choose to use your affirmations as passwords so that you keep your accounts safe.

Though it may not feel this way at first, practicing positive affirmations can be a very powerful tool in creating healthy self-esteem, self-worth, and achieving your goals. It actively programs a pattern of thought, habit, speech, and action for your brain to use while it runs on “auto-pilot” in the background. It is kind of like training your body with physical workouts or practicing to get better at a sport, the more you do it the easier and better you get at it. With affirmations you are actively training and rewiring your brain through repetition to create new, more positive thought pathways. As these new thought pathways form and strengthen, your thoughts have an easier time traveling through your brain and transforming into your reality. As many neurologists like to say, “neurons that fire together, wire together!”

Some simple examples include:

  1. I am healthy, happy, and strong.
  2. I am always enough and appreciate and love myself just as I am.
  3. Success flows into my life effortlessly and I attract abundance and prosperity.
  4. I have fulfilling and meaningful relationships in my life.
  5. I enjoy my life and am actively fulfilling my dreams.

Use BLOOM’s I AM Affirmations (below) as a template or guide for your own practice. Adapt it to fit your life and dreams but know you carry all of these qualities inside yourself, intrinsically.

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