Break the Screen-Time Struggle:
Free Training with Max Stossel

Get Real Strategies from Digital Wellness Expert,
Speaker & Forbes Storyteller of the Year

Play Video about Max Stossel Break the Screen-time Struggle

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Transform Your Child’s Tech Habits with Max Stossel’s Guidance

Looking to bridge the gap between your kid and their screen time? Look no further – this workshop holds the key. With practical tips, and evidence-based approaches, this workshop promises a transformative experience for every concerned parent seeking to navigate the digital landscape effectively. 

Max’s workshop delves deep into the realms of digital environments, algorithmic influence, mental health correlations, and effective parental guidance. Learn the importance of delaying smartphone introduction, encouraging free play, and nurturing essential social-emotional skills for a holistic, resilient digital future.

Max Stossel’s expertise spans years of dedicated work in digital wellness and storytelling. Founder of Social Awakening and Youth & Education Advisor for the Center for Humane Technology, he’s been at the forefront of advocating for healthier digital ecosystems. Max’s TED Talks, poetry, and insights have touched millions of teens, parents, and educators worldwide, earning him recognition as a leading voice on this crucial subject.

What You Can Expect:

Gain a deeper understanding of your kid's relationship with technology.

Acquire practical strategies for cultivating a healthy tech environment at home.

Improve communication with your adolescent regarding their online experiences.

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