Violaine Guéritault, Ph.D.

Clinician - Psychotherapist

Dr. Violaine Guéritault spent the largest part of her career specializing in the prevention of stress and burnout in both adults and adolescents. She has extended experience working with teenagers as a psychologist and as a teacher. She has also developed an expertise in the practice of mindfulness and meditation, which she has integrated into her work as a psychologist. She developed and implemented a mindfulness based stress reduction program for students in the Marblehead (MA) school district in 2015. 

Violaine has a proven record of success in individual, government, and corporate consulting. She is an internationally recognized expert on measuring and alleviating occupational stress and burnout. 

She is the author of several books published in France, including one presenting her groundbreaking theory on maternal/parental burnout. She completed both her undergraduate and graduate education in the United States. Violaine is also the proud mother of two wonderful children, now aged 24 and 27.