According to, cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. It can happen via text message and within apps, on social media, forums, and gaming sites. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can also include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation.
Signs Your Young person May Be a Victim of Cyberbullying
- Avoiding the computer, cellphone, and other technological devices or appears stressed when receiving an email, instant message, or text
- Withdrawing from family and friends or acting reluctant to attend school and social events
- Avoiding conversations about computer use
- Exhibiting signs of low self-esteem including depression and/or fear
- Has declining grades
- Has poor eating or sleeping habits
If Your Tween or Teen Is Being Cyberbullied
If your young person is being cyberbullied, teach them to STOP, BLOCK, and REPORT.
Teach them not to engage with a bully online. Make sure they don’t try and defend themselves or retaliate as this can make the situation worse.
Have your young person shut down the application or block the user from being able to send any more mean messages. They don’t need to read the gossip or mean comments that are being put online about them.
Then they need to report. They need to tell an adult so that appropriate action can take place and make sure it doesn’t continue or happen again.
Cyberbullying by the Numbers

- 20-30% of kids report having been cyberbullied in their lifetime.
- 10% of kids report having been a cyberbully.
- 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, making this a common tool for cyberbullying.
How To Talk About Cyberbullying
Discussions about positive, healthy habits online should start early and happen often. Use these discussion starters to get the conversation started.
- Has anyone ever tried talking to you online about inappropriate or sexual things? What did you do?
- Do you trust all of your online friends? Are there any people you should unfriend or block?
- Do you know how to report, flag, or block people on the websites and apps you use? Can you show me?
- Who would you talk to if you were upset by a request you received online?
- If you see something online that’s meant to hurt someone, don’t “like” or share it. Think about how you’d feel if someone did that to you.
- It’s OK not to like someone. It’s not OK to bully them.
- If someone cyberbullies you, you may want to send a mean comment back, but it could make this worse. Instead, save the evidence and report it.
- Being a good digital citizen means standing up for others. Take steps to help peers being cyberbullied (e.g., post nice comments, sit with them at lunch, report the harassment, etc.)
Megan Meier’s Story
In the aftermath of tragically losing her daughter to suicide, Tina Meier has become an internationally recognized expert on bullying, cyberbullying, internet safety, conflict resolution, the roles of caregivers and educators, sexting, and suicide awareness and prevention. Here she shares her heart wrenching personal experience of losing her daughter to cyberbullying.
In December of 2007, Tina Meier founded the non-profit Megan Meier Foundation which has grown into a global bullying and cyberbullying prevention organization. Through education, prevention, and intervention they work to support and inspire actions to end bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide.Tina’s hope is to make a difference through spreading Megan’s story, create awareness regarding internet safety, and educate others on the consequences of bullying and cyberbullying.
Explore More About Online Safety for Teens
Learn how to help protect your preteen or teen online. BLOOM is here to help, whether you are looking for tips on how to talk to your kids about internet safety, tech security tips to protect them online, or even in-depth and personalized Q&As and workshops. Raising young people is hard enough. We are here to help demystify and provide support!
This article was originally published by Netsmartz and minimally edited for clarity. Read the article in its original publication.